“Never Fade an Up Candle”
Baba Yaga and Fleri return to discuss some topics submitted by the discord!
If you have any suggestions, email us at BandofTraderspodcast@gmail.com!
“Where’s The Trade?”
Baba Yaga and Perdue join this week to spend some time answering day-trading questions posted on reddit
“If I’m Sitting Like *This*, I’m Fixin’ to do Something Dumb”
Fleri and Baba Yaga join us to discuss Baba's recent video, Personal Awareness as a Statistical Edge, covering things like posture and thoughts as well as how the demons change along the journey...
“LLMs are very big and complex and they do a whole lot of witchcraft in the background” - Ft. Chris Dover, PollinateTrading.com
Chris Dover (Pollinatetrading.com) joins Kyle and Perdue to blow some minds with the many different applications for LLMs... as well as share some tips for increasing it's usefulness
A.I. A.I. Oh
Kyle Baba & Cleo had a show
A I A I Oh
And on that show they talked about
“A Dog Might Have Eaten a Turtle” Afterhours w/ Bear Goes Long
Bear Goes Long joins Kyle for an informal conversation about whatever they feel like… Hacker Conventions, Boot Camp stories and of course, trading psychology took up most of our time
“You Don't Have to Run Out into The Hurricane…”
This week’s topic (Volatility) is another broad one! Managing risk, recognizing the changing environment and adjusting to the changing conditions are just some of the things touched on
“No One Comes To See You Because Things Are Great” - Ft. Sean Sawyer, Sound Performance Psychology
Sean Sawyer of Sound Performance Psychology joins us to discuss EMDR and processing traumatic memories and to offer some insights in identifying your core values
“Step Up Your Effing Game, Sweden…”
In this week’s poorly SEO optimized episode, we celebrate Baba Yaga’s personal record, discuss quieting the impulses and fall deeper into the AI rabbit hole…
Understanding Greed - Ft. Andrew and Bear Goes Long
Bear Goes Long and Andrew join in this week for a deeper dive into understanding Greed, and the difference between Intuition and Impulse
Friends Don’t Let Friends Fade Trends
Fleri and Baba Yaga join the roundtable this week for a timely PSA on trend trading, and weekend events make an outlandish Bold Prediction look much more likely…
The Humanity of… Me? - Humanity w/ Kyle
This week the Humanity series looks inward as Cleo gets a chance to ask her co-host Kyle all the questions she’s been saving up since joining the band
“Can You Dynamically Size in The Moment?”
Fleri joins Baba Yaga and Bear Goes Long for a deep dive into position sizing and all the factors everyone considers when deciding how much to risk on any given trade
“The Skill of Keeping Money” - Ft. TRADEPRO Academy’s Fady Ayad
Fady Ayad (TRADEPRO Academy) joins the roundtable this week to talk about Risk Management, challenging environments and the importance of reviewing your work every day
“They Drew First Blood” - Humanity Follow-up w/ Andrew (AKA Bigfoot)
Andrew (Formerly Bigfoot) returns for a follow-up with Kyle and Cleo to dive deeper into Kyle’s worksheet results and learn more about the members of his “team”
Sharks in the Water
Baba Yaga and Cleo join the roundtable to discuss boredom in trading and share some thoughts on Roaring Kitty’s return to YouTube
Who’s Driving??
Joel and Cleo join in this week to continue the discussion on “Parts Work” as they share their findings to help Kyle identify the characteristics of his own key teammates.
"Just Don't Quit Before You Figure It Out"
Baba Yaga and Fleri (last minute sub for Perdue) join this week to discuss the open-ended question, what makes a trader successful?
Now with 20% more Pandemonium!
Self-Motivation and Perserverance in Trading - Ft. Slic Ric
Slic Ric (the whitest Ric I know) joins me to talk about process, perseverance and how key those were to his finding success in trading bonds
Trading Multiple Accounts
This week Kyle and Baba Yaga discuss trading multiple accounts and the systems they put in place to protect their accounts, before critiquing some of the boldest predictions of the past week