2 Bulls Podcast: Janet Yellen Can't Break Through the Glass Debt Ceiling

This week in the China Shop, all the focus is on the debt ceiling and Congress's default to brinksmanship and the guys learn more about how the FDIC program actually works. In Stock News, MSFT signs an extremely optimistic fusion power deal, Wendy's tries to employ even younger drive thru workers and a shortage of airline mechanics has Kyle worried about the future of air travel. Over in the Crypto Corner, Kyle falls into a rabbit hole and PEPE finally pulls back. Two weeks into this month's Bet and it's as close as it's ever been!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 05/12/23

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FDIC Wants Big Lenders to Shoulder Bank Busts
Jamie Dimon Warns US Default Potentially Catastrophic
Top Economist Calls Debt Ceiling Crisis 'Pathetic'
US Can Avoid Default in July if it Gets Cash in June
MSFT Signs Deal with Fusion Company
AI Chatbot to Replace Human Order Takers at Wendys
Airline Industry Facing Shortage of Maintenance Techs
Musk Names New Twitter CEO
ICahn Enterprises Fights with Hindenburg
MARA Q1 Loss Narrows on BTC Rally
BTC Tumbles, Ether Slumps and PEPE Crash

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Carley Garner: Senior Commodities Broker and Strategist at DeCarley Trading


Blayne Macauley: Host of The Penny Lane Podcast