2 Bulls Podcast: Crypto for Blackrock, Delisting for Chinese Stocks
This week China Shop the guys are discussing contradicting Bear/Bull market signs as some news indicate the bottom is in while others claim the worst is yet to come... In Stock news, the rich get pardoned in South Korea, PTON makes sweeping changes in an attempt to overhaul the company and the number of teens using Facebook is declining rapidly. In the Crypto Corner, Blackrock announces it will offer spot exposure to BTC, but neither host knows what exactly that means. Two weeks into the Bet and Team Bulls has to decide whether to protect that lead or really try to stick it to Random.
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 08/12/22
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BofA Warns Bottom Not in Until Retail Capitulates
Why Bulls are Cheering SPY Close Above 4231
3 Warning Signs About the Economy
Several Chinese State-owned Companies Delist from NYSE
S. Korea Pardons Samsung Leader Jay Y Lee
Number of Teens Using Facebook Crashes
PTON to Cut 800 Jobs, Hike Prices and Close Stores
Blackrock Will Offer Clients "Spot" Bitcoin Exposure
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