2 Bulls Podcast: We'll Have What the House is Buying

This week in the shop, Dan and Kyle wax poetically on the infrastructure bill and the not so good inflation numbers for October. Dan also finds a gem about China "asking" US businesses to lobby against bills they don't like. Over in Stocks and Options, the guys look at stories affecting JNJ, TSLA, DE before looking at the charts for PLTR and LYV. In the Crypto Corner, Dan finally gets a Coinbase account and learns what a real fee looks like! In The Bet, both Dan and Kyle try to make better picks after seeing some success in mapping levels over the past month.

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 11/13/21

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Biden to Sign Infrastructure Bill Monday
House Members Buying Infrastructure Stocks (Before Bill Passed)
Inflation Rises 0.9% MoM, 6.2% YoY
Stock Market Bubble? S&P500 vs GDP
China Lobbying US Businesses
Musk Sold $6.9 Billion in TSLA Last Week
JNJ to Split into 2 Companies
Deere Strike Continues

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