2 Bulls Podcast: Say "Transitory" One More Time... We Dare You...

The big story from the past week was the Fed's announcement that it is starting the tapering of it's asset purchases, but while that decision was expected, the markets reaction was not! Join us as we discuss that and the Fed's stance on inflation (again), along with a much needed digital payments platform for the Cannabis industry. We also look at some of the big movers from the past week in Zillow (Z) and Peleton (PTON) before looking at a couple other stocks that have caught our attention. In the Crypto Corner, a fight for regulatory control continues, but the big question is why? One week into November, and someone takes a big lead thanks to forgetting to manage risk!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 11/06/21

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Fed Announces Tapering
Granholm Says World Needs to Wean Off of Fossil Fuels
Same Granholm Story, Different Spin
MJ Getting First Dedicated Digital Payments Platform
PTON Shares Collapse
Zillow Shares Plunge after Closing Home Buying Business
AMC Getting into Popcorn Business
Fight Looms for Control over Cryptos

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