2 Bulls Podcast: Inflation and Bear Flirtations
In this week's episode, Dan and Kyle take a deeper look at the rising inflation concerns, and the good cop, bad cop routine Powell and Yellen seem to be playing before talking about the rise and fall of SPCE. Dan details an amazing week of trading, while Kyle had a completely opposite experience. In the Crypto Corner, an Ethereum Co-Founder claims his safety is at risk due to his position and Powell makes some bold claims about a digital dollar. One week into the bet, both Dan and Kyle are only separated by a few dollars.
2 Bulls in a China Shop: 07/16/21
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This week's poll question:
This week's #2bullsinachinashop #poll question:
Do you still use cash mainly or do you make your purchases electronically?#stockmarket #podcast #finance #economy— 2 Bulls in a China Shop (@FinancialInept1) July 18, 2021
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Powell Pressed on Inflation
Inflation Rises as Price Index Jumps
Luxury Cruise Sells Out in 3 Hours
China's Economic Growth Halves in Recent Quarter
Virgin Galactic Announces $500M Offering
Powell Claims Bitcoin not Needed if US Dollar went Digital
Etherium Co-Founder Retiring Due to "Security" Concerns
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