2 Bulls Podcast: Meme Stocks Start to Boil, Hedge Funds Hunt Oil

In this week's episode, meme stocks continue to lead the headlines as stocks like AMC, GME, SPCE, MVIS and BB continue to pressure short sellers. We also talk about an interesting story of activist short sellers allegedly attacking an oil company in Africa. For Investing, Kyle gives an update on his premium harvesting strategy and Dan does the same with his big 3. In Options, Dan liquidates his other holdings to focus on AMC and Kyle makes some savvy options trades. A surprise surge leads to a shocking upset in the monthly bet, and consequences will be justly served on the upcoming monthly review!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 05/29/21

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Our podcast is also sponsored by Sue Pullen at Fairway Independent Mortgage (MLS# 206048). Licensed in 25 states, if you need anything mortgage-related, reach out to her at SPullen@fairwaymc.com or give her a call at (520) 977-7904. Tell her 2 Bulls sent you to get the best rates available!

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