2 Bulls Podcast: Suez Canal Dock Blocks while China urges Boycotts

In this week's episode, Dan and Kyle discuss the ramifications of the Suez Canal blockage and Powell and Yellen's Congressional testimonies. We also discuss China's recent response to new sanctions and Amazon's bold new PR strategies. In Stocks, Kyle repeats a mistake from last week, and in Options, Dan continues to revise his straddle/strangle strategies. With only one more week to go in this month's bet, one plays it safe while the other goes for broke!

2 Bulls in a China Shop: 03/27/21

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This week's poll question:

Per the conditions of last Month's bet, here is the photo Kyle was required to send to Dan. This will be his Facebook Profile picture for the rest of March!

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Powell and Yellen Testify in Congress
Jobless Claims at 1 year low
Bank Stocks Rise after Allowed to Raise Dividends
Suez Canal Blocked
China Retaliates after Sanctions
NY MJ Update
Elon Deletes a Tweet
Amazon Trolling Congress Members


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